Embeded Browser
Configurable through CCC cha.settings.v1 schema
"externalLinks": {
"enabled": true,
"links": [
"url": "https://example.url",
"name": "Example name",
"shareAuthorizationToken": false,
"shareRetailInformation": false,
If enabled, the links will be visible in the shortcuts menu of the App.
When opening the list of links will be displayed.
By choosing an option from the list the embeded web browser will load the chosen url. The Embeded browser has basic web browser functionalities:
- navigating forward
- navigation back
- page reload
Sharing retail information and authorization token
This functionality can be enabled by configuring two properties at the ExternalLink level:
- shareRetailInformation
- shareAuthorizationToken
The shareRetailInformation feature will add the following properties to the URL as URLSearchParams:
When shareAuthorizationToken is enabled, the application gains the capability to send a message via the window API using window.postMessage.
This message will carry the following payload:
{ type: 'TOKEN', payload: '${iamToken}' }