Attendant API
Business to Business
This unified API allows Checkout Engine to request information from customers CRM systems
Business Units
Provides a registry of Business Units and Business Unit Groups.
Checkout Engine
Hii Retail Checkout Engine API to create sales transactions from point of sale (POS) clients.
Checkout Hub
The API allows you to define the static information found in the header and footer of printed receipts, such as logotype, address, opening hours etc.
The available actions and contents to supply data to the PLU List service. PLU lists are part of store reference data.
The available actions and contents to supply data to the Tender service. Tenders are part of store reference data.
Possibility to send messages to the system users, such as checkout cashiers.
Perform initial state to stores.
Perform initial state to stores.
Resolve PLU lists on item updates
Click And Collect
Service for picking and delivering webshop and shopping list orders.
The API allows e-commerce shops to create orders in the Click and Collect system.
Service for managing the archived ClickAndCollect orders.
Service for managing business unit layout (item's catagories, zones etc).
HiiRetail API for managing tenant specific configuration parameters for ClickAndCollect
Service for registering device tokens and sending notifications to store employees.
Service for substitutions suggestions in Click And Collect.
Core and Logistics
This API is used to create, update and delete Ordering Option data in Hii Retail services.
Customer Controlled Configuration
Customer Controlled Configuration API
EVA Services
This API is used to get, create, update and delete Business Configurations against tenant for the particular country.
The unified loyalty API allows any checkout to make use of all loyalty systems we support via just one single integration.
The external loyalty API allows any customer or third party provider to integrate an external loyalty system with all Extenda Retail’s checkouts that support the unified loyalty API.
The external loyalty API allows external parties to integrate with the loyalty features supported by Extenda Retail’s checkout systems.
This API is used to request EVA for verification or activation of scanned deposit barcode.
The external loyalty API allows external parties to integrate with the loyalty features supported by Extenda Retail’s checkout systems.
This API is used to request EVA for verification or activation of scanned voucher barcode.
External Events
Provides REST API for External Events Management API.
API is used to manage exchange rates.
API is used to manage currencies.
This API is used to manage Reconciliations.
This API is used for Cash Management.
This API is used to manage denominations
HiiRetail Tax Rules Input API
General ledger aggregated export API
Hii Connect - Payments
Generic API allowing a checkout to perform card payment transactions via any PSP supported in Hii payments
Generic API allowing a checkout to perform card payment transactions via any PSP supported in Hii payments
Generic API allowing a checkout to perform giftcard payment transactions via any PSP supported in Hii payments
Generic API allowing a checkout to perform giftcard payment transactions via any PSP supported in Hii payments
API's specific to the Adyen Connector service
API's specific to the Nets Connector service
API's specific to the WIPay Connector service
API's specific to the Liab Connector service
API's specific to the Svs Connector service
API's specific to the Retain24 Connector service
API's specific to the Viva Connector service
API's specific to the EagleEye Connector service
API's specific to the Fashioncheque Connector service
API's specific to the Softpay Connector service
Generic API allowing a checkout to receive mirroring messages in Hii payments
Generic API allowing a checkout to perform mobile payment transactions via any PSP supported in Hii payments
Generic API allowing a checkout to perform mobile payment transactions via any PSP supported in Hii payments
API's specific to the Swish Connector service
API's specific to the Vipps Connector service
Hii Fiscal
API definition of the Hii Fiscal Manual Sales Registration service
API definition of the Hii Fiscal Signing Germany service
API definition of the Hii Fiscal Signing Spain service
API definition of the Hii Fiscal Signing Portugal service
API definition of the Hii Fiscal VAT invoice service
Identity and Access Management
The service provides pin login & token caching functionality on Cloud & Edge
Provides REST API for Identity and Access Management.
Provides REST API for OAuth2 Client Management Service.
Provides REST API for User Profile service.
License Tracker
API of License Tracker
This API is used to save stock transactions for later processing and also to import data related to transactions.
This API is used to query stock transactions.
This API allows to create, update, and delete customer orders, as well as manage various aspects of the order lifecycle
This API allows to create, update, and delete deliveries
This API allows to create, update, and delete stocks
This API allows to correct the stocks
Product, Price and Promotion
This API is used to create or update Assortment Policy data in Hii Retail services.
This API is used to query for assortment policy data.
This API is used to query for business partner data.
Provides query capabilities for Checkout Engine.
This API is used to query for changes data.
This API is used to query for complete item data.
This API is used to create, update and delete Content Declarations in Hii Retail services.
This API is used to query for content declaration data.
This API is used to create, update and delete Deposit And Fee Rules in Hii Retail services. The Deposit And Fee Rule describes the amount of deposit/fee that shall be added to the receipt when a specific product is sold in POS. E.g. a bottle of water has a deposit for the plastic bottle and an amount (price + VAT) is added to the transaction, when the empty bottle is returned to the same or any other store then the deposit is returned to the customer. Extenda Retail has chosen to not follow the exact standard for deposits/fee according to GS1 as the specification expects a price entity. We find it more precise to be specific and use a Deposit And Fee Rule entity instead. This entity contains the needed information to make the deposit/fee, and to apply the correct deposit/fee amount during a sales transaction. Also see GS1 Returnable Package Deposit Details
This API is used to query for deposit and fee rule data.
This API is used to manage Dynamic Entity Templates.
This API is used to query for dynamic entity template data.
This API is used to query for entity approval data.
This API is used to create, update and delete Item data in Hii Retail services. The Item entity is the main entity for rapidly changing master data and is the base for most retail operations. A item can be of several types where a normal StockItem is the most common. Other types of items can be used to represent services or bundles of products, model definitions to related products of different sizes, colors, styles and fragrances.
This API is used to query for item data.
Note! Will be renamed to Item Link This API is used to create or update Items linked to other Items data in Hii Retail services.
This API is used to query for item link data.
This API is used to create, update and delete Item Identifiers. An Item Identifier represents an item identification code of some sort. According to the GS1 standard this is mostly a GTIN of 8-14 digits, but it might be a Non-standard code for special use cases or it might be a PLU code for specific PLU use cases. It can also be a QR code or other machine registrable code or just an alternative SKU. This is also why several types are supported in Hii Retail.
This API is used to query for item identifier data.
This API is used to create, update or delete Item Categories in Hii Retail services. An ItemCategory is an entity that can be user defined or a Brick in the GS1 standard. It represents one element in a hierarchical structure used to group Items. This can represent a standard grouping following the GPC hierarchy from GS1 or you can create your own structure. The important properties of this grouping is that it represents your way of grouping the Products and Services together.
This API is used to query for item category data.
This API is used to query for various data from PnP services.
This API is used to query for ordering option data.
This API is used to create or update Price Specification data in Hii Retail services. The Price Specification is a structured value representing a monetary amount, consisting of a value and currency code. The PriceSpecification entity is the HiiRetail representation of a currency-specific value related to a Item. It might be a Purchase Price in which it states what the Item is purchased for from a Supplier. It might be a Sales Price that indicates what the Item is sold for in a sales process. There are several other Price Types for different purposes. Depending on the PriceType the Price can and should be used for different things.
This API is used to query for price specification data.
This API is used to create, update and delete Promotions in Hii Retail services. The Promotion entity is the entity used to create and maintain time limited offers and reduced prices for end customers
This API is used to query for promotion data.
This API is used to query for print schedule data.
This API is used to initiate Print Commands in Hii Retail services.
This API is used to create, update, delete and search Search Selections in Hii Retail services. A Search Selection is used for saving queries and related data such as who can access it, where it should be applied and what it is about. This way common used queries can be saved and then reused when needed either by a physical user or a Hii Retail Service.
This API is used to create and delete Validation Rules in Hii Retail services. Validation rule holds information about the entity it applies to, what to validate and what actions to take if the rule is broken as well as severity to indicate to consumers if the action is important or not.
SAF-T Reports
This is a generic API for issuing SAF-T reports.
MCPE Frontend Service API
Scan&Go Frontend Service API
Scan&Go Administration Service API
Scan&Go Admininstration Frontend API
This API is to enable the usage of Handheld scanners, Entrance Units and cradles with the Scan&Go Service.
Self Service - Basket Management Service
Basket Management Service API
Self Service - LossPrevention
API to determine the audit based on trustlevel set
API to perform operation for basket audit events
API to ingest the basket audit result(What was found in this rescan) in case the audit was performed outside the lossprevention system.
API to ingest the self scan data analytics(SSA).
API to maintain loss prevention customer profile
API to maintain loss prevention audit result details
API to maintain loss prevention trustlevel configurations
Self Service Loss Prevention
This API is used to predict the probability of loss due to misuse or attempted theft when using self service
Store Insights
API for creating cashier reports
Transaction Repository
Input API for Transaction Repository
Search API for Transaction Repository
X&Z Reports
Provides REST API for X&Z Service for fiscal x&z reports.
Provides REST API for X&Z Service for common reports.