IAM Tenants
Hii Retail is a multi-tenant retail platform. A Hii Retail Tenant represents an isolated resource boundary on the platform. A Tenant can manage their resources but cannot access another Tenant's resources in any way. A single Tenant is typically created for each Hii Retail customer. However, a customer can request additional Tenants to be created, for example, one for each brand or chain belonging to the customer. Only Extenda Retail administrative personnel are authorized to create a Tenant. Hii Retail customers are unable to create a Tenant themselves. There is no concept of a sub-Tenant within Hii Retail. Also tenant can have their own test environment
Tenant Admin
When a Hii Retail Tenant is created for a new customer, a single User account exists. This account is referred to as the Tenant Admin. This account can be thought of as a root user, as is granted access to perform all actions on all IAM resources within the Tenant. More information regarding the Tenant Admin User, including important usage warnings, is available here.