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The Promotion entity represents a time limited reduction in Sales Prices and/or a combination of Products bought together that will give the consumer a better price than if the products are bought separately.

type Promotion {
entityMetadata: EntityMetadataV1 @deprecated
status: PromotionStatus!
type: PromotionType!
from: DateTime!
to: DateTime
promotionContent: String
additionalProperties: [AdditionalProperty]
promotionItems: [PromotionItem] @deprecated
globalUniqueId: String
id: String
correlationId: String
tenantId: String
name: String
description: String
businessUnitId: String @deprecated
businessUnitIds: [String]
businessUnitGroupId: String
version: Int!
revision: Long!
created: DateTime!
createdBy: String
modified: DateTime!
modifiedBy: String


Promotion.entityMetadata ● EntityMetadataV1 deprecated object


EntityMetadata will be removed on 01 Jan 2023. Use the entity metadata properties on the entity level instead.

Promotion.status ● PromotionStatus! non-null enum

The status of the promotion.

Promotion.type ● PromotionType! non-null enum

The type of the promotion. Additional values might be found in AdditionalProperties depending on the Promotion type.

Promotion.from ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Start date and time for the Promotion. ● DateTime scalar

End date and time for the Promotion. This value is nullable and can indicate that a Promotion will go on forever.

Promotion.promotionContent ● String scalar

For POS specific content this XML property can hold the required XML needed in POS. This will allow the entity to support any POS Promotion format. The other properties can be ignored if this property is set. It is considered a supplement to the rest of the entity and not a replacement.

Promotion.additionalProperties ● [AdditionalProperty] list object

List of customer specific values on the entity level.

Promotion.promotionItems ● [PromotionItem] deprecated list object


No longer supported.

A list of additional Item information that will be used to relate this Promotion with its containing Items in 3rd party integrations and digital signage.

Promotion.globalUniqueId ● String scalar

Internal unique ID for CRUD operations and relations. A typical example is: TenantId_itemId_BusinessUnitGroupId ● String scalar

Id for the entity. Either external or internal

Promotion.correlationId ● String scalar

ID for tracing an entity and/or a group of sub entities through the application. Might be external, and if missing from the producer of data the API will add an ID. Must be used in all logging and tracing.

Promotion.tenantId ● String scalar

To support multi tenancy we need to be able to identify the customer that owns this information. ● String scalar

The name of the entity. This general property can replace the previous ArticleName, StoreName, CampaignName, etc.

Promotion.description ● String scalar

The description of the entity.

Promotion.businessUnitId ● String deprecated scalar


BusinessUnitId is obsolete. Use BusinessUnitIds property instead.

Used to assign the entity to tenant's specific business unit.

Promotion.businessUnitIds ● [String] list scalar

The business units associated with the entity.

Promotion.businessUnitGroupId ● String scalar

Used to assign the entity to a specific level in a business unit group hierarchy specific to the tenant.

Promotion.version ● Int! non-null scalar

Version of the entity. Must be updated when there is a change to the entity. An ever increasing Integer.

Use revision instead of version if you need a more precise versioning mechanism.

Promotion.revision ● Long! non-null scalar

Contains evergrowing number used to validate the version of an entity.

Promotion.created ● DateTime! non-null scalar

When the object was first created. This timestamp will be set by the input API POST-endpoints before creating the AVRO data for processing.

Promotion.createdBy ● String scalar

Who created. Will be an ID and must be looked up in the user DB. This ID will be set by the input API POST-endpoints before creating the AVRO data for processing.

Promotion.modified ● DateTime! non-null scalar

When the object was modified. Will be updated along with the Version property. This timestamp will be set by the input API PUT and PATCH-endpoints before creating the AVRO data for processing.

Promotion.modifiedBy ● String scalar

Who created or modified the object. Will be an ID and must be looked up in the user DB. This ID will be set by the input API PUT and PATCH-endpoints before creating the AVRO data for processing.

Returned By

promotion query ● promotionsByItem query

Member Of

PromotionsConnection object ● PromotionsEdge object