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The Entity Validation Result contains the results of violated validation rules.

type EntityValidationResult {
id: String
globalUniqueId: String
changeId: String
tenantId: String
entityId: String
entityType: String
createdUtc: DateTime!
violatedRules: [ValidationRuleResult]
businessUnitId: String
businessUnitGroupId: String
status: EntityValidationResultStatus!
parentEntityId: String
entityChanges: EntityChanges

Fields ● String scalar

The ID of the entity validation result.

EntityValidationResult.globalUniqueId ● String scalar

The global unique ID of the entity.

EntityValidationResult.changeId ● String scalar

The ID of the entity changes that caused the violation of the validation rules.

EntityValidationResult.tenantId ● String scalar

The ID of the tenant.

EntityValidationResult.entityId ● String scalar

The ID of the entity that was changed.

EntityValidationResult.entityType ● String scalar

To type of the entity that was changed.

EntityValidationResult.createdUtc ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The timestamp when validation was performed.

EntityValidationResult.violatedRules ● [ValidationRuleResult] list object

The results of violated validation rules.

EntityValidationResult.businessUnitId ● String scalar

The ID of the business unit.

EntityValidationResult.businessUnitGroupId ● String scalar

The ID of the business unit group.

EntityValidationResult.status ● EntityValidationResultStatus! non-null enum

The status of the entity validation result.

EntityValidationResult.parentEntityId ● String scalar

The ID of the parent entity this entity validation result relates to. Will be null if the entity does not have a natural relation to a parent entity.

EntityValidationResult.entityChanges ● EntityChanges object

The changes that caused the violation of the validation rules.

Member Of

ItemIdentifier object ● PriceSpecification object ● PrintSchedule object