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Accepts priceId, businessUnitGroupId, businessUnitId, itemId arguments and returns a single price specification in response.

If you query v1 model, businessUnitGroupId argument must be supplied and businessUnitId argument will be ignored.

If you query v2 model, either businessUnitGroupId or businessUnitId argument must be supplied.

If you want to fetch price specification for specific model item or it's variant, specify argument.

priceId: String!
businessUnitGroupId: String
businessUnitId: String
itemId: String
): PriceSpecification


priceSpecification.priceId ● String! non-null scalar

The id of the price specification.

priceSpecification.businessUnitGroupId ● String scalar

The id of the business unit group.

priceSpecification.businessUnitId ● String scalar

The id of the business unit.

priceSpecification.itemId ● String scalar

The id of the item to which the price specification applies.


PriceSpecification object

The PriceSpecification entity is the HiiRetail representation of a currency-specific value related to a Product. It might be a Purchase PriceSpecification in which it states what the Product is purchased for from a Supplier. It might be a Sales PriceSpecification that indicates what the Product is sold for in a sales process.

A product MUST have a PriceSpecification. There must always be a Default PriceSpecification on a Product to make sure any downstream usage always has a valid Gross Profit calculation available. Usually a Default PriceSpecification is not enough, and a minimum of one Sales PriceSpecification must exist too.