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Get paginated list of items by identifier types for a specific business unit or business unit group.

searchTerm: String
first: Int
after: String
itemIdentifierTypes: [ItemIdentifierType!]
filter: ItemsByIdentifierTypesFilteringParamsInput
sort: SortingParamsInput
): ItemsByIdentifierTypesConnection


itemsByIdentifierTypes.searchTerm ● String scalar

The search term to look for. Refer to this documentation article for more information about search term capabilities.

itemsByIdentifierTypes.first ● Int scalar

Returns the first n print schedules from the list.

itemsByIdentifierTypes.after ● String scalar

Returns the print schedules in the list that come after the specified cursor.

itemsByIdentifierTypes.itemIdentifierTypes ● [ItemIdentifierType!] list enum

The list of item identifier types to filter items by. At least one item identifier type must be supplied.

itemsByIdentifierTypes.filter ● ItemsByIdentifierTypesFilteringParamsInput input

Filtering options for the returned items. Either businessUnitGroupId or businessUnitId filter argument must be supplied.

itemsByIdentifierTypes.sort ● SortingParamsInput input

Sorting options for the returned items.


ItemsByIdentifierTypesConnection object

A connection to a list of items.