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An entity for providing dynamic information to other entities in form of key-value pair with additional metadata.

type DynamicEntityTemplateAdditionalProperty {
id: String
name: String
code: String
description: String
value: String
defaultValue: String
dataType: AdditionalPropertyValueType
isMandatory: Boolean

Fields ● String scalar

Id of the value object. The Id has to be unique within the entity. ● String scalar

The Name of the additional property object. Accepts spaces and can be used for display purposes.

DynamicEntityTemplateAdditionalProperty.code ● String scalar

An optional Code of additional property object.

DynamicEntityTemplateAdditionalProperty.description ● String scalar

An optional Description of the content in the additional property object. Can hold instructions or just a description of the value means.

DynamicEntityTemplateAdditionalProperty.value ● String scalar

The actual Value of the additional property object. This is the value that has meaning to the recipient and the value that will be used when performing logic on the data.

DynamicEntityTemplateAdditionalProperty.defaultValue ● String scalar

The default value of the additional property. Will be used in UI for setting Value if it will not be provided.

DynamicEntityTemplateAdditionalProperty.dataType ● AdditionalPropertyValueType enum

The Data Type of the value. This is important to specify for anyone using the data. They need to know what the data is and how to interpret it. This is particularly important when the data will be used in logic or in a UI.

DynamicEntityTemplateAdditionalProperty.isMandatory ● Boolean scalar

Indicates if property is mandatory.

Member Of

EntityAdditionalProperties object