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Accepts optional sorting, filtering, pagination arguments and returns the response containing single page of deposit and fee rules, with additional technical information used for inter page navigation. NOTE: Max 9.999 results.

By default excludes DELETED deposit and fee rules. Might be changed if includeDeleted flag set to true.

searchTerm: String
first: Int
after: String
sort: SortingParamsInput
filter: DepositAndFeeRulesFilteringParamsInput
): DepositAndFeeRulesConnection


depositAndFeeRules.searchTerm ● String scalar

The search term to look for. Refer to this documentation article for more information about search term capabilities.

depositAndFeeRules.first ● Int scalar

The number of results to be returned. For next page of results, note the cursorID in the response and use that together with the 'after' input parameter.

depositAndFeeRules.after ● String scalar

Page ID (Cursor) if several pages of results are needed. Use together with 'first' input parameter.

depositAndFeeRules.sort ● SortingParamsInput input

Sorting ASC or DESC on the provided field.

depositAndFeeRules.filter ● DepositAndFeeRulesFilteringParamsInput input

Filtering options for the returned deposit and fee rules.


DepositAndFeeRulesConnection object

A connection to a list of items.