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The EntityChange is the representation of the changes that were applied to the entity. It contains changes collection that represents a per-field change details with new and old values for fields that were changed.

type EntityChanges {
id: String
globalUniqueId: String
entityId: String
correlationId: String
entityType: String
businessUnitId: String
businessUnitGroupId: String
changeType: ChangeType!
changes: [FieldChange]
entityChangedBy: String
entityChangedAt: DateTime
createdUtc: DateTime!

Fields ● String scalar

Id of the concrete entity change. I.e. any change, even for the same entity will have different id.

EntityChanges.globalUniqueId ● String scalar

The global unique ID of the entity.

EntityChanges.entityId ● String scalar

To determine type of initial entity, change was created for.

EntityChanges.correlationId ● String scalar

ID for tracing an entity and/or a group of sub entities through the application.

EntityChanges.entityType ● String scalar

To determine type of initial entity, change was created for.

EntityChanges.businessUnitId ● String scalar

Id of BusinessUnit the initial entity belong to.

EntityChanges.businessUnitGroupId ● String scalar

Id of BusinessUnitGroup the initial entity belong to.

EntityChanges.changeType ● ChangeType! non-null enum

Determines what kind of changed was performed on entity.

EntityChanges.changes ● [FieldChange] list object

List of entity fields changes.

EntityChanges.entityChangedBy ● String scalar

Who created/modified the original entity.

EntityChanges.entityChangedAt ● DateTime scalar

Timestamp when original entity was created/modified.

EntityChanges.createdUtc ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Timestamp when change was detected.

Returned By

change query

Member Of

ChangesConnection object ● ChangesEdge object