📄️ AdditionalItemId
A additional item id represents a product identification code of some sort.
📄️ AdditionalItemIdsConnection
A connection to a list of items.
📄️ AdditionalItemIdsEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ AdditionalProperty
AdditionalProperty is an entity for providing dynamic information to other entities. Additional properties can be considered as key value pairs with some additional metadata.
📄️ ContentDeclaration
The content declaration will hold nutritional and allergens information about an item.
📄️ ContentDeclarationsConnection
A connection to a list of items.
📄️ ContentDeclarationsEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ EntityMetadataV1
Base information present on all entities.
📄️ ItemIdentifier
No description
📄️ ItemIdentifiersConnection
A connection to a list of items.
📄️ ItemIdentifiersEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ ItemImage
No description
📄️ ItemLink
A Item Link describes a relation between two or more items.
📄️ ItemLinksConnection
A connection to a list of items.
📄️ ItemLinksEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ ItemWithIdentifiers
No description
📄️ Item
Any item upon which there is a need to retrieve pre-defined information
📄️ ItemsByIdentifierTypesConnection
A connection to a list of items.
📄️ ItemsByIdentifierTypesEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ ItemsConnection
A connection to a list of items.
📄️ ItemsEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ KeyValuePairOfAllergenCodeAndAllergenState
No description
📄️ KeyValuePairOfStringAndString
No description
📄️ LinkedItem
A model for linked items.
📄️ NutrientBasisQuantity
Establishes the basis for all contained nutrient records.
📄️ PageInfo
Information about pagination in a connection.
📄️ PriceSpecification
The PriceSpecification entity is the HiiRetail representation of a currency-specific value related to a Product.
📄️ PriceSpecificationsConnection
A connection to a list of items.
📄️ PriceSpecificationsEdge
An edge in a connection.
📄️ PromotionItem
An additional Item information that will be used to relate the Promotion with its containing Items in 3rd party integrations and digital signage.
📄️ Promotion
The Promotion entity represents a time limited reduction in Sales Prices
📄️ PromotionsConnection
A connection to a list of items.
📄️ PromotionsEdge
An edge in a connection.