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Price Specification use cases

Extenda Retail recommends that you always have a SALES Price Specification on all Items. This ensures that POS and other consumers of the prices will be able to sell the Item and get an acceptable margin on the sale. Even if the correct sales price is unavailable at the current time.

Create a sales price

How to
  1. Make sure your service has the needed access rights to the API endpoints. This is defined by roles in the IAM management.
    1. To add data you need the Create access verb on the role your service is using.
  2. Create the JSON payload as described in the minimum requirements here
    1. The Price Specification must have PriceType set to SALES
    2. Make sure to set the correct businessUnitGroupId or businessUnitId for the business unit(s) you want this change to a apply to.
    3. Make sure to specify the taxRuleId that applies for this price
    4. Make sure to set the correct value. This is the actual sales price incl. taxes.
    5. Make sure to set the correct itemId to the Item this price applies to.
    6. Provide the validFrom date and time when this Price Specification should be applied.
    7. Provide the correct currencyId for the currency this price is provided in.
  3. Construct the needed headers for your integration
    1. A valid token must be provided in the Authorization header as described here
    2. We recommend that you also provide a Correlation-Id header as described here
  4. Make sure to provide the correct content type for your payload. It must be application/json
  5. Use the POST endpoint for sending your data.
    1. API description can be found here
    2. OpenAPI specification can be found here
  6. You will receive a 202 - Accepted response if the message was successful.

Create a purchase price

Purchase Price Specifications are mostly needed if you have a logistics and replenishment process integrated with Hii Retail. Have a look at the details here

How to
  1. Make sure your service has the needed access rights to the API endpoints. This is defined by roles in the IAM management.
    1. To add data you need the Create access verb on the role your service is using.
  2. Create the JSON payload as described in the minimum requirements here
    1. The Price Specification must have PriceType set to PURCHASE
    2. Make sure to set the correct businessUnitGroupId or businessUnitId for the business unit(s) you want this change to a apply to.
    3. Make sure to specify the taxRuleId that applies for this price
    4. Make sure to set the correct value. This is the purchase price you acquire the Item for from a given Supplier.
    5. Make sure to set the correct itemId to the Item this price applies to.
    6. Make sure to set the correct orderingOptionId for the Ordering Option used to replenish this Item.
    7. Provide the validFrom date and time when this Price Specification should be applied.
    8. Provide the correct currencyId for the currency this price is provided in.
  3. Construct the needed headers for your integration
    1. A valid token must be provided in the Authorization header as described here
    2. We recommend that you also provide a Correlation-Id header as described here
  4. Make sure to provide the correct content type for your payload. It must be application/json
  5. Use the POST endpoint for sending your data.
    1. API description can be found here
    2. OpenAPI specification can be found here
  6. You will receive a 202 - Accepted response if the message was successful.

Create a lowest historical price

A Price Specification of type LOWEST_HISTORICAL_PRICE is a legal requirement in many countries. The purpose of this type is to provide the lowest price on the item in the last X days (region specific).

This information is only mandatory when the Item is part of an advertized price reduction. This means anything from an international TV-advertisement to a handwritten sheet of paper in the store where the Item is advertized as having a lower sales price than normal.

It does not apply to markdown due to date or loyalty promotions that are not generally available.

How to
  1. Make sure your service has the needed access rights to the API endpoints. This is defined by roles in the IAM management.
    1. To add data you need the Create access verb on the role your service is using.
  2. Create the JSON payload as described in the minimum requirements here
    1. The Price Specification must have type set to LOWEST_HISTORICAL_PRICE
    2. Make sure to set the correct businessUnitGroupId or businessUnitId for the business unit(s) you want this change to a apply to.
    3. Make sure to specify the taxRuleId that applies for this price
    4. Make sure to set the correct value. This is the actual sales price incl. taxes.
    5. Make sure to set the correct itemId to the Item this price applies to.
    6. Provide the validFrom date and time when this Price Specification should be applied.
    7. Provide the correct currencyId for the currency this price is provided in.
  3. Construct the needed headers for your integration
    1. A valid token must be provided in the Authorization header as described here
    2. We recommend that you also provide a Correlation-Id header as described here
  4. Make sure to provide the correct content type for your payload. It must be application/json
  5. Use the POST endpoint for sending your data.
    1. API description can be found here
    2. OpenAPI specification can be found here
  6. You will receive a 202 - Accepted response if the message was successful.