Registration templates
OCMS Registration Templates
Registration templates are configurations used by clients during client registration that specifies
- which claims clients must send in order to be registered
- roles that will be bound to each client that registers using this template
Templates can be:
- Global - created by Extenda devs. Intended to be used by multiple tenants.
- Local - created by tenant (or by tenant with help of Extenda devs). Intended to be used by single tenant
Regardless of type, templates work in the same way (except local can be accessed only from one tenant) and looks the same in The UI.
In the UI, registration templates can be found here -
https://[your-tenant] Example -
It consists of several parts.
- Name
- Roles list that this Registration Template will grant client that will use it.
- Claims schema, that will be used by OCMS to validate incoming client registration.