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Cash management

Keep track of the cash balance in all safes/vaults, and cash transfers within the business unit:


BankThe bank where the business unit deposits cash.
Bank bagA bag used for storing cash when transferred to the bank.
Bank depositA transfer of money from the business unit to the bank.
Bank withdrawalA withdrawal of money from bank to the business unit.
SafeA strong, fireproof cabinet with a complex lock, used for the safe storage of valuables.
CurrencySystem of money in general use in a particular country.
DenominationThe available denominations for a currency. Example for dollar: 100 (100 dollar bill), 1 (1 dollar bill), 0.1 (1 dime, one-tenth of a dollar), 0.01 (1 cent, one-hundredth of a dollar).
Cash drawerCash drawer in a workstation
OperatorPerson operating a workstation. Also known as cashier.
Business unit managerOperator with privileges to approve a reconciliation.
ReconciliationComparing counted or reported amount with amount accumulated for transactions.
Initial balanceThe initial balance in the cash drawer. Also known as initial float.