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This entity represents a basket in the Attendant API.

Basket in Attendant represents - the receipt itself in json format that can evolve over time, some high level info, like currency, total amount, discount amount, items count, etc. Basket is owned by Checkout and is updated by checkout. Attendant UI will use Basket entity to display the receipt and other data to the attendant. Basket represents shipping trip of the customer, that can be monitored by the attendant.

To interact with baskets in Attendant, there is a Rest API available -

Pos clients are responsible for sending basket updates to the Attendant API. The API will then publish a message to the SocketIO service with the updated data.

Note: more about socketio service can be found here

If basket is not updated for 10 days, it will be removed from the database.

Basket entity depends on Workstation entity.